Er is een dringende noodzaak om de rechtszekerheid te vergroten en acties te voorkomen die de effectiviteit en het vertrouwen in de handhaving van de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG) ondermijnen. EDRi en Access Now hebben gezamenlijk een standpuntnota opgesteld over het EU-voorstel voor aanvullende procedurele regels met betrekking tot de AVG. Het artikel gaat verder in het Engels.
This position paper responds to the acknowledgment within the data protection community that the full potential of the landmark European Union (EU) data protection law, the GDPR, has yet to be fully realised. The GDPR is a vital instrument to protect people’s rights – not only to data protection, but to other fundamental rights that can be unduly limited by the unlawful processing of their data.
Specifically, this paper addresses the challenges posed by cross-border and national procedures, which often become cumbersome and excessively lengthy, failing to yield positive outcomes and presenting significant hurdles for people seeking to regain control over their information.
There is an urgent need to enhance legal certainty and prevent actions that undermine the effectiveness of and trust in GDPR enforcement.
While recognising that the European Commission’s Proposal to strengthen GDPR enforcement is a significant opportunity, this paper also acknowledges the text’s insufficiencies. As such, we present recommendations aimed at guiding inter-institutional negotiations to shape a Regulation that truly ensures an efficient and rights-respecting GDPR enforcement.
These recommendations are focused on the need for clear rules and deadlines for all involved DPAs and parties, with a key aim of fostering transparency and accountability within the regulatory framework.
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