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EDPS beoordeelt voorstel herziening mandaat Europol

De European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) heeft gisteren (8 maart) een (Engelstalige) opinie gepubliceerd over de voorgestelde herziening van Verordening 2016/794 betreffende het Agentschap van de Europese Unie voor samenwerking op het gebied van rechtshandhaving (Europol). In de opinie pleit de EDPS onder andere voor verdere waarborgen met betrekking tot de verwerking van grote en complexe datasets, zodat de vrijstellingen in de praktijk niet de regel worden. Tevens moeten voor een doeltreffende bescherming van persoonsgegevens de situaties en voorwaarden waarin Europol zich op de voorgestelde vrijstellingen kan beroepen, duidelijk worden omschreven in de Europol-verordening.

European Data Protection Supervisor 9 maart 2021

The EDPS published today his Opinion on the proposed amendments to the Europol Regulation which aim, in part, to broaden the scope of Europol’s mandate in response to changes in the security landscape and increasingly complex threats. The Opinion assesses the necessity and proportionality of these proposed amendments, taking into account the importance of aligning the data protection rules for Europol with the data protection rules for other European institutions, bodies and agencies (EUIs), under Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.

In particular, the proposed exemptions related to the processing of large and complex datasets require further safeguards, so that the exemptions do not become the rule in practice. Effective protection of personal data requires the situations and conditions in which Europol may rely on the proposed exemptions to be clearly defined in the Europol Regulation.

Wojciech Wiewiórowski, EDPS, said: “I am glad that the Commission acknowledges the problems previously raised by the EDPS in relation to the processing of large datasets. The approach taken by the Commission - providing for an exception from the general rules on processing operational personal data - is one of the solutions a lawmaker can indeed consider in this context. At the same time, it is important to add further clarifications and safeguards to ensure that the exemptions do not become the rule.”

The EDPS acknowledges the need for Europol to engage in research and innovation in order not to rely on external vendors’ tools and products. At the same time, the terms justifying the use of personal data for such purposes need to be more narrowly defined.

As the supervisory authority of Europol and other EUIs, the EDPS calls for a full alignment of its powers with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725. When it comes to the protection of individuals’ personal data, a stronger mandate of Europol must go hand in hand with oversight powers that are at least as strong and effective as for any other EUIs.

Lees hier de opinie van de EDPS

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