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Artikelnummer: 9780135302156 Categorieën: , ,
eng |
28 november 2019
Information Privacy Engineering and Privacy by Design
In Information Privacy Engineering and Privacy by Design, renowned information technology author William Stallings brings together the comprehensive and practical guidance that is needed to succeed as organizations of all kinds are recognizing the crucial importance of protecting privacy. Stallings shows how to apply today's consensus best practices and widely-accepted standards documents in your environment, leveraging policy, procedures, and technology to meet legal and regulatory requirements and protect everyone who depends on you. Like Stallings' other award-winning texts, this guide is designed to help students quickly find the information and gain the mastery needed to implement effective privacy. Coverage includes:
  • Planning for privacy: Approaches for managing and controlling the privacy control function; how to define your IT environment's requirements; and how to develop appropriate policies and procedures for it
  • Privacy threats: Understanding and identifying the full range of threats to privacy in information collection, storage, processing, access, and dissemination
  • Information privacy technology: Satisfying the privacy requirements you've defined by using technical controls, privacy policies, employee awareness, acceptable use policies, and other techniques
  • Legal and regulatory requirements: Understanding GDPR as well as the current spectrum of U.S. privacy regulations, with insight for mapping regulatory requirements to IT actions
  • Ideal for all students studying the privacy aspects of cybersecurity
  • Includes full sections on planning for privacy, identifying and understanding threats, applying modern privacy technologies, and understanding evolving legal and regulatory requirements (including GDPR)
  • Reflects best practices and widely-accepted standards, and supports key Human Security elements of Cybersecurity Curricula 2017 (CSEC2017)
  • Multiple learning features promote rapid access and mastery: from clear learning objectives and glossary definitions to QR weblinks and a frequently updated website
  • Ancillary resources, including lecture slides, provide instructors ample support in integrating this text
  • By William Stallings, 13-time winner of the prestigious TAA Computer Science Textbook of the Year Award
The comprehensive guide to engineering and implementing privacy best practices
  • Ideal for anyone with privacy responsibilities in any organization, and for all students studying the privacy aspects of cybersecurity
  • Includes full sections on planning for privacy, identifying and understanding threats, applying modern privacy technologies, and understanding evolving legal and regulatory requirements (including GDPR)
  • Reflects best practices and widely-accepted standards, and supports key Human Security elements of Cybersecurity Curricula 2017 (CSEC2017)
  • Multiple learning features promote rapid access and mastery: from clear learning objectives and glossary definitions to QR weblinks and a frequently updated website
  • By William Stallings, 13-time winner of the prestigious TAA Computer Science Textbook of the Year Award
  De allesomvattende gids voor het ontwikkelen en implementeren van de beste privacypraktijken Naarmate systemen complexer worden en cyberbeveiligingsaanvallen meedogenlozer, wordt het waarborgen van privacy een steeds grotere uitdaging. Organisaties reageren in toenemende mate op twee manieren, en beide worden verplicht gesteld door belangrijke normen zoals GDPR en ISO/IEC 27701:2019. De eerste benadering, privacy by design, is erop gericht om privacy te verankeren in het ontwerp en de architectuur van IT-systemen en bedrijfspraktijken. De tweede benadering, privacy engineering, omvat de technische capaciteiten en beheerprocessen die nodig zijn om privacykenmerken en -controles in werkende systemen te implementeren, in te zetten en te laten werken. In Information Privacy Engineering and Privacy by Design bundelt de internationaal gerenommeerde IT-consultant en auteur William Stallings de uitgebreide kennis die privacymanagers en -engineers nodig hebben om beide benaderingen toe te passen. Met behulp van de technieken die hij presenteert, kunnen IT-leiders en technische professionals systematisch anticiperen op en reageren op een breed spectrum van privacyvereisten, -bedreigingen en -kwetsbaarheden, waarbij rekening wordt gehouden met regelgeving, contractuele verplichtingen, organisatorisch beleid en de verwachtingen van hun belangrijkste stakeholders. - Privacy-gerelateerde essentiële aspecten van informatiebeveiliging en cryptografie doornemen - Begrijpt u de concepten van privacy by design en privacy engineering - Moderne toegangscontroles en beveiligingsmaatregelen gebruiken om gedeeltelijk aan privacyvereisten te voldoen - de privacy van databases te waarborgen door anonimisering en de-identificatie - Gegevensverlies en -inbreuken voorkomen - Aanpak van privacyvraagstukken in verband met cloud computing en IoT - Effectief beheer van informatieprivacy tot stand brengen, van governance en cultuur tot audits en effectbeoordeling - Inspelen op belangrijke privacyregels, waaronder GDPR, de federale wetgeving van de VS en de Californische Consumer Privacy Act Deze gids zal een onmisbare bron zijn voor iedereen met privacyverantwoordelijkheden in welke organisatie dan ook, en voor alle studenten die de privacyaspecten van cyberbeveiliging bestuderen.

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